Implementation of communication subsystem, Ground station subsystem and Back-up subsystem

Document Type : Original Article


Military technical college, Egypt.



Developing a space vehicle is a complex and detailed process. A reliable communication system using GNU-Radio & Hack RF one to a complete transceiving mode. usage of this system to transfer a pay load (camera) which may be photo or video as well as transferring telemtry of satellite. The modulation methodology used (TQAM) to enhance power resources and bit error performance. Satellite links are currently being developed to provide higher data rates and improved power efficiency, but in other hand there is a main problem which is the increasing of bit error rate due to using higher order modulation techniques. Showing a comparison between methodologies of modulation, to get the optimum modulation type to satisfy the needed requirements.Secondly, establishing a GUI subsystem for the ground station, showing the satellite's telemetry by telemetry gauges.GUI subsystem is presented using web development. Thirdly, the alternate methodology is to use node MCU (Wi-Fi module) in emerging situations of communication interruption using a backup subsystem.
