Steel Cables Configuration System for Arched Steel Bridges

Document Type : Original Article


Military technical college, Egypt.



Bridge is a structure that provides passage over obstacles such as valleys, rough terrain or bodies of water by spanning those obstacles with natural or manmade materials. there has been a great development in designing bridges through human history, due to several considerations. today, cable stayed bridges, suspended bridges, arched tied bridges
and other systems are using for long span bridges which sometimes, exceed 20000 m. In this paper, a study was performed to get the best steel cables configuration for a 200m span bridge with 22m width compline with all Egyptian codes limitations. Three different configurations had been considered which are vertical, network, and Nielsen cables system using finite element modelling. The arched tied bridge with constant cables inclination was found to be the most recommended cable system for the considered case study. Even though; some parameters affected its efficiency such as (arrangement of cables, cables inclinations and their number).